
Salomé Levy

Languages: French, English

Specialty: Clinical psychologist for children, adolescents, and young adults

En tant que psychologue clinicienne (UCL) spécialisée en clinique de l’enfance, de l’adolescence et de la famille, Salomé prête une grande attention au contexte dans lequel ses patients évoluent, ainsi qu'aux liens avec leur entourage.

Salomé actively involves the child, adolescent, or young adult in their own therapy. Establishing a safe and adapted space for each patient, where everyone feels heard and understood, is a priority for Salomé.

Salomé's approach is personalized, recognizing the uniqueness of each individual.


France de Sadeleer

Languages: French, English

Speciality: sexologie

As a sexologist, France specialises in the study and treatment of sexual disorders. 

France adopts a holistic approach to sexual health, taking into account the physiological, psychological and relational aspects of each individual. She creates a caring, non-judgmental environment where her patients feel safe to express their concerns and needs. 

Using a personalised approach, France works closely with her patients to identify the sources of their difficulties and develop solutions tailored to all couples, men and women.